Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sine + Wikipedia = my new habit

I've just noticed that every time I finish watching a movie (mostly on an old laptop), I immediately check out the film's wikipedia page. Sometimes I even check the film on wikipedia first before watching it but mostly it's movie first, wikipedia second. I prefer the wiki than the imdb site. The reason why I do it is I want to know more about the story behind the film - how it was made, how it fared with the critics - and to learn more trivia. I'm a sucker for the-making-of thingy. Here are the last two flicks that I watched:

The Golden Compass. A fantasy film set in a parallel universe where people's soul in the form of animals (called "daemons") live outside their body. The battle of the two talking polar bears strikes me as funny. What i learned from wikipedia: This film almost bombed in the US and caused a restructuring in New Line Cinema's organizational chart.

This film lives in the same neighborhood as Narnia. I think this would be my last serving of films with talking animals for the year.

10,000 BC. It's like Apocalypto with mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and big chickens. What i learned from wikipedia: Two companies recreated prehistoric animals. To cut time (it was taking sixteen hours to render a single frame) 50% of the CGI models' fur was removed, as "it turned out half the fur looked the same" to the director.

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